Articles | Safe Drinking Water Team

Scientific Research

Dr. Hans had many discussions with First Nations water treatment plant operators, public works managers, and Chiefs and Councilors even before he started working on trying to fix Yellow Quill's raw water. The same question surfaced time and time again, how can poor quality raw water sources be made safe to drink? This was never about meeting any guidelines, it was about the ability of community members to drink the treated water without getting sick.

So, Dr. Hans studied the scientific literature and tried to figure out the characteristics of truly safe drinking water. While going down this road, Dr. Hans wrote several scientific papers that then formed a background for him and the water treatment plant operators who worked with him.  This was leading towards the Integrated Biological and Reverse Osmosis Membrane (IBROM) treatment process.

Here we are reproducing some of the scientific papers that Dr. Hans wrote during this period. 

Membrane filtration material
Arsenic poisoning
Integrated Biological Reverse Osmosis Membrane treatment system

Water Online

Water Online is a website that comments on drinking water treatment globally. Dr. Hans is commenting on and writing articles for Water Online. 

Dirty Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Water fountain

Prince Albert Grand Council Tribune

Dr. Hans Peterson wrote a series of articles on drinking water in First Nations communities. These articles ran in consecutive issues of the Prince Albert Grand Council Tribune.

James Smith Cree Nation Group
Carla Plotnikoff Environmental Health Officer
Dan Hogan and Hans Peterson
Ole Jacob Sortehaug
Debbie Roper
James Smith Cree Nation Integrated Biological Reverse Osmosis Membrane Treatment System Open House
Sores on foot

Canadian Water Treatment

Two Buckets Waste Stream Pure Water Stream
Two Big Jugs of Water One Good One Bad
Blaze Neapetung First Nations Boy With Water Glass
Woman Drinking From Water Fountain
Tea Bleach Clear
Safe Drinking Water Foundation Logo

ReNew Canada

Test tubes
Water treatment plant operator

Aboriginal Times

Aboriginal Times was a native magazine. Dr. Hans was asked to write articles that would raise the awareness of the issues surrounding poor quality drinking water. Dr. Hans wrote articles for Aboriginal Times from January/February 2005 until May/June 2007. Dr. Hans was also asked to point the way to how water could be treated to achieve much better quality than was previously thought possible.

After almost two years of research and piloting at Yellow Quill First Nation Dr. Hans had developed a keen understanding of the issues and had also, with help from First Nations water treatment plant operators, generated novel solutions to difficult water treatment problems. The first award for this work was recognition in 2005 at the United Nations’ headquarters where Dr. Hans and Yellow Quill’s lead operator at the time, Roberta Neapetung, presented the development of the IBROM process (the Integrated Biological and Reverse Osmosis Membrane process).

Yellow Quill’s water, which was under a nine year boil water advisory, was transformed into some of the best drinking water in the world by the IBROM beating every guideline/regulation globally.

The IBROM process is being embraced by First Nations, especially in Saskatchewan. There are now 18 IBROM water treatment plants in Saskatchewan and Alberta. By learning more about drinking water and drinking water issues you may be able to help your community along the path to better quality water. We hope that you will find information in Dr. Hans’ articles useful. We feel that a lot of the issues Dr. Hans wrote about in his articles are as relevant now as they were when he wrote them.

Tea Bleach Clear
Saddle Lake raw water poor quality raw water
Canadian Light Source Synchrotron
Health Canada
Students testing water quality
Blue green algae
Yellow Quill Integrated Biological Reverse Osmosis Membrane Treatment System Pilot Trailer
Due Diligence

Municipal World

Water treatment chemicals
Milwaukee Headlines Cryptosporidium Boil Water
Elsa Drinking a Glass of Water

The Rural Councillor

Water Treatment Plant Operator
Rural Canada
Young Canadian Farmer
Health Canada Building
Livestock Fence
Developing New Products
Bleach Tea Clear
How Clean Is Your Well Water?
Coliform Bacteria
Health Canada Logo
Rural Girl With Chicken and Eggs
Blue Green Algae
Water Samples
Virus Bacteria Cryptosporidium Cyst Giardia Cyst
Drainage Basin in Rocky Mountains
Safe Drinking Water Foundation Logo
Bangladesh Red Tap Symbol Arsenic
Elsa Drinking Water Young Girl