Chief Wayne Moonias — News | Safe Drinking Water Team

Chief Wayne Moonias

Ontario First Nation hires outside firm to investigate 28-year boil water advisory

Ontario First Nation hires outside firm to investigate 28-year boil water advisory

A northern Ontario First Nation that has lived under a boil-water advisory for nearly three decades has hired an outside consultant to find out once and for all what ails the community's water system. Neskantaga First Nation, roughly 450 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, Ont., is marking a grim milestone this month — 28 years under a boil water advisory, longer than any other First Nation.

First Nation wants Ottawa to help clean up plastic waste left behind by 27-year boil water advisory

First Nation wants Ottawa to help clean up plastic waste left behind by 27-year boil water advisory

A remote northern Ontario First Nation wants Ottawa to help it find an environmentally responsible way to dispose of the thousands of empty water bottles that have piled up over 27 years under a long-term drinking water advisory. Neskantaga, a fly-in Oji-Cree community with approximately 300 members located about 450 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, Ont., marked a grim milestone on Tuesday — the longest drinking water advisory of any First Nation.