On a feedlot in central Alberta, nearly 100 kilometres northeast of Calgary, researchers gathered to watch as floating islands were launched onto a pond created by runoff water. To people driving past on a nearby dirt road, it might not look like much. But the islands are the result of years of research and testing that could help the feedlot business recycle wastewater to the point where it could be used on crops or for cattle. And it could go beyond just that.
Water Walk Ceremony passes through central Alberta
A group of Indigenous ceremonial ‘Water Walkers’ have been on a long journey, and recently passed through Rimbey, Ponoka and Wetaskiwin. The group, the Saskatchewan River Water Walkers, made their trek down Highway 53 on July 21, and will walk a total of 1,900 kilometres before they are finished. They “move for the water, for life and for the children.”