water distribution system — News | Safe Drinking Water Team

water distribution system

Boil Water Advisory in effect for Janvier

Boil Water Advisory in effect for Janvier

Indigenous Services Canada has issued a Boil Water Advisory to ensure the safety of the community. Copies of these orders can be found at rmwb.ca/water. At around 6:15 a.m. (May 19, 2023) the Janvier water treatment plant temporarily shut down causing a loss of pressure to the water distribution system. At approximately 8:30 a.m., the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) was able to return the plant and distribution pumps to normal.

Long-term drinking water advisory lifted in Sachigo Lake First Nation

Long-term drinking water advisory lifted in Sachigo Lake First Nation

With the completion of upgrades and expansion of the community’s water infrastructure, Sachigo Lake First Nation’s Chief and Council recently lifted a long-term drinking water advisory affecting over 500 community members since October 19, 2018. “Sachigo Lake First Nation and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) have worked in partnership to invest approximately $29 million over a period of five years. Improvements to infrastructure included upgrading the existing water treatment plant, extending the community’s water distribution system, and expanding the wastewater lagoon,” a Nov. 30 news release from Indigenous Services Canada explained.

First Nation in Metro Vancouver will finally have clean drinking water in 2021

First Nation in Metro Vancouver will finally have clean drinking water in 2021

The Semiahmoo First Nation has been under one of the longest continuous boil water advisories in Canadian history, but this recommended health safety practice will finally end sometime in 2021. Earlier this month, the First Nation held a ceremony recognizing the City of Surrey’s opening of the Semiahmoo Water Tie-in Connections to the water distribution system.

Building trust in its tap water will be Neskantaga’s next big challenge

Building trust in its tap water will be Neskantaga’s next big challenge

The chief of the First Nation in Northern Ontario that has suffered through the country’s longest continuous boil water advisory is hopeful that water coming out of the taps in the homes of Neskantaga will be safe to drink sometime in early 2021. The question now is: Even if public health and First Nation officials pronounce the water safe to drink, will anyone trust in the purity of what comes out of their taps?

8-10 years to fix Attawapiskat water problems, chief estimates

8-10 years to fix Attawapiskat water problems, chief estimates

It's been one month since Attawapiskat First Nation declared a state of emergency over its poor water quality. The measure was taken in the northern Ontario community due to high levels of  trihalomethane (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) in the water the residents use for bathing and cooking. The fly-in community has a separate system for its drinking water.