water security

UCalgary awarded 2 prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chairs

UCalgary awarded 2 prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chairs

Deborah McGregor is an internationally celebrated scholar and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice. She joins UCalgary from York University, where she was cross-appointed to the Osgoode Hall Law School and the Faculty of Environment and Urban Change. As the CERC in Indigenous Ways of Climate and Water Sustainability for Planetary Health and Well-being, McGregor will generate understanding of, and build support for, Indigenous leadership in Earth-based reconciliation and justice, focusing on climate change as the overriding symptom of the planetary health crisis.

UCalgary awarded 2 prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chairs

UCalgary awarded 2 prestigious Canada Excellence Research Chairs

Deborah McGregor is an internationally celebrated scholar and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice. She joins UCalgary from York University, where she was cross-appointed to the Osgoode Hall Law School and the Faculty of Environment and Urban Change. As the CERC in Indigenous Ways of Climate and Water Sustainability for Planetary Health and Well-being, McGregor will generate understanding of, and build support for, Indigenous leadership in Earth-based reconciliation and justice, focusing on climate change as the overriding symptom of the planetary health crisis.

Sask. First Nations gather for water conference

Sask. First Nations gather for water conference

People from across the province are in Saskatoon this week with the goal of ensuring safe, clean drinking water in First Nation communities. Around 200 participants have gathered for the AGM, conference, trade show and banquet of the Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association (SFNWA).

The Grand River is full of contaminants says award winning Indigenous McMaster prof.

The Grand River is full of contaminants says award winning Indigenous McMaster prof.

"I don't think any of us were really prepared for the scope and magnitude of the problem so we had to continuously write more grants to address emerging issues. More than anything, it was shocking," said Martin-Hill, who is Mohawk and Wolf Clan. "I really assumed the worst case scenario was going to be in Alberta and to find out the kinds of contamination that have gone into the Grand River for a century, the problems here are much worse."

Canadian scientist receives University of Oklahoma International Water Prize

Canadian scientist receives University of Oklahoma International Water Prize

Cultural anthropologist Dawn Martin-Hill, Ph.D., has been named the 2022 University of Oklahoma International Water Prize recipient for her commitment to improving water security for the people of the Six Nations of the Grand River, the largest Native reserve in Canada. Martin-Hill, an associate professor at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, was recognized at the OU International WaTER Symposium for her contributions to understanding how water quality and security are linked to Indigenous community culture, livelihood and health.

Moe sees lots of opportunity with irrigation expansion

Moe sees lots of opportunity with irrigation expansion

One of the cornerstone announcements in the last year for the Saskatchewan agriculture sectors has been the launch of the Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Expansion Project by the provincial government. The April 6 budget was the first provincial budget since that announcement, but so far, the dollar figures are relatively small – just $18.9 million this year for the Westside Expansion Project. But Premier Scott Moe sees a big future, a little further down that water pipeline, as it were.

Government of Canada supports international water conference in Saskatoon

Government of Canada supports international water conference in Saskatoon

Experts from around the world are in Saskatoon to discuss managing water for sustainable agriculture in the face of climate change. The 2018 annual conference of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage is being supported by the Government of Canada through a $15,000 investment from Western Economic Diversification Canada's Western Diversification Program.