Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia farmers worried about water use amid dry spring

Nova Scotia farmers worried about water use amid dry spring

A Nova Scotia farming group is concerned about the amount of water being used for agriculture this spring, but a provincial hydrologist says underground water levels are normal for this time of year. The current conditions have prompted Agriculture Canada to classify much of Nova Scotia as "abnormally dry," and categorize Truro and part of the Annapolis Valley as having a moderate drought. "It's getting to a point now where things are really drying out," said Allan Melvin, a sixth-generation farmer from the Annapolis Valley and president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture.

Atlantic First Nations Water Authority becomes first Indigenous water utility in Canada

Atlantic First Nations Water Authority becomes first Indigenous water utility in Canada

After years of discussion, the Atlantic First Nations Water Authority made history Monday by becoming the first Indigenous water utility in Canada. The transfer agreement was signed in Dartmouth, N.S., by Atlantic First Nations Water Authority (AFWNA) CEO Carl Yates, Potlotek First Nation Chief Wilbert Marshall, and federal Minister of Indigenous Services Patty Hajdu.

‘I’m making difficult connections and having difficult conversations’

‘I’m making difficult connections and having difficult conversations’

Zahra Tootonsab is in the second year of her PhD program in the Faculty of Humanities’ Department of English and Cultural Studies. Her research focuses on water pollution in Canada and Iran, and how Indigenous knowledges in both places can help inspire environmental activism and promote water security. This year, Tootonsab received a Wilson Leadership Scholar Award, which is part of a leadership development program launched at McMaster by Chancellor Emeritus L.R Wilson. Here, she shares her thoughts on her research and the influences on her work.

Natural gas for Europe can’t come at a cost to Indigenous Rights and safety in Nova Scotia

Natural gas for Europe can’t come at a cost to Indigenous Rights and safety in Nova Scotia

I am a grandmother, water protector and high school teacher from the Mi’kmaq Nation, in what is currently known as Nova Scotia, Canada. I have been working to protect our waters and lands from colonial control and dangerous resource extraction my whole life. When Europeans arrived in Mi’kmaq territory, we never ceded lands or accepted defeat, though for the last 450 years Canada has been constantly assaulting our people, invading our lands and communities and stealing our resources.

Compensation available to Cape Breton community after decades of dirty water

Compensation available to Cape Breton community after decades of dirty water

When Patricia Paul saw her bathtub filling with cloudy, brown water, she decided she’d had enough. She took a photo of the scene: three inches of water so thick and dark, the bottom of the tub couldn’t be seen – a sharp contrast to the white plastic tub walls decorated with duck and turtle stickers for her young children. “It was almost black, and it smelled gross,” Paul remembers.

Environmental assessment of Northern Pulp's mill restart plan begins

Environmental assessment of Northern Pulp's mill restart plan begins

The clock has started on the environmental assessment process for Northern Pulp's proposal to restart its beleaguered pulp and paper mill in Nova Scotia's Pictou County. Last week, the company filed a registration document with the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change, and on Tuesday the department formally registered the project. Now begins the process of a Class 2 environmental assessment — the more rigorous of the province's two environmental assessment options.

How well is your water? N.S. panel to discuss climate change impacts on groundwater

How well is your water? N.S. panel to discuss climate change impacts on groundwater

Climate change is already affecting the volume and quality of water that's coming out of many taps in Nova Scotia. Drought, saltwater intrusion, and flooding are just some of the issues that scientists predict will become worse in the coming years for the 42 per cent of Nova Scotians who rely on groundwater from private wells. "With climate change, we will see more extreme events and we will see more impacts on our shallow and even our deep groundwater resources," said Barret Kurylyk, an associate professor at Dalhousie University and Canada Research Chair in Coastal Water Resources.

How colonial systems have left some First Nations without drinking water

How colonial systems have left some First Nations without drinking water

Rebecca Zagozewski, executive director of the Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association, said she has seen contractors save on costs when building water treatment plants on reserves by using obsolete parts and failing to include maintenance manuals, ventilation or chemical rooms, and bathrooms. “Engineering companies will put in their bids obviously as low as they can go,” said Zagozewski.

First Nations-led water authority signs agreement with federal government

First Nations-led water authority signs agreement with federal government

Atlantic region First Nations Chiefs and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) have signed a framework agreement on a ground-breaking water utility that will oversee the drinking water and wastewater operations for over half of the First Nations population in the region. The agreement will transfer control and management of water and wastewater services for 15 Mi'kmaw and Wolastoqey communities from ISC to a single First Nations-led organization, and comes with a $2.5 million federal investment to get the water authority started on recruitment, training of staff and other operational costs.

COVID-19 making it harder for Harrietsfield residents to access drinking water

COVID-19 making it harder for Harrietsfield residents to access drinking water

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even harder for some residents in Harrietsfield, N.S., to get clean drinking water. The Halifax-area community's well water has been contaminated for years, forcing dozens of households to get potable water from nearby St. Paul's United Church or bring it home from work. With many businesses shut down and people working from home, that's no longer an option, said resident Marlene Brown.